Achieve Success Through Development of Intellectual Insight and Self-Capability

Innovating a connected future through developer studies. Empowering society through self-ability. We are here to apply our capabilities in the field of information and communication technology to create professionalism and integrity to present a future that is rich of knowledge.

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What is SIC?

SIC is a community of Informatics students at Udayana University that focuses on developing intellectual insight, increasing expertise, and personal integrity by collaborating between members and communities who have an interest in information and communication technology.

Why SIC Exists?

The following are the reasons why SIC exists as a community.


Since 2006, we are here hand in hand to share knowledge and technological innovation to fellow community members.


SIC is here as a forum for learning together for the Udayana University informatics community on certain topics related to technology.


SIC is present as a place to collaborate in making projects in various fields, especially in fields found in the industrial world.


SIC cooperates with other communities to carry out community service activities as a form of embodiment of the application of technological knowledge.

SIC Activity

There are several activities that you can take part in to add and strengthen your skills. All existing activities have the same main goal, namely to share knowledge and experience in a particular field.


This activity allows you to gain new knowledge or deepen the knowledge you already have on certain topics related to technology. T......

Focus Group
Focus GroupDiscussion

Have questions about technology? Focus Group Discussions are the right place to discuss informally on a topic related to technolog......


Immerse Projects allow you to gain knowledge and experience in creating a project that is in the real world of work. By collaborat......


SIC Tech Talk and Practice (STACK) is here to provide experience in gaining new knowledge and skills. Slightly different from othe......

Join Our Club

Let’s join our club to strengthen the skills you are interested in in order to prepare yourself for the industrial field later.

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Any Question?
Get Your Answer Here

If you have a question about our community, you will find some answers to frequently asked questions about our community. If you still can’t find the answer to your question, you can ask it to our contact below and we’ll answer it ASAP.

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A non-profit organization committed to finding the best way to share knowledge about technology.

Contact Us

+62 857-3862-9295 (Ryan)
Sekretariat SIC. Gedung BD Lt. 2, Informatika FMIPA Udayana

Random Quote

The technology of today is the result of the imagination of yesterday.

- Carl Saganv

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