4 Divisions 1 Vision

The divisions within the SIC organization are sections with specific tasks and responsibilities, playing a crucial role in helping the SIC organization run smoothly. Although each division is distinct, we all work together and support each other to achieve our common goals. Each division is like a puzzle piece that forms a larger picture leading us towards a shared goal.

SIC Core

The SIC Core is the backbone and the heart of the SIC organization. The Core also manages daily ops, plans strategy and implements the organization's vision, working with all units to ensure success, coordinates activities and optimizes resources.

Engineering Division

The Engineering Division maintains tech and infrastructure systems to run effectively and efficiently, manages mini and immerse projects, manages the website, and facilitates SIC Clubs.

Tech & Dev Division

The Technology and Development (Tech & Dev) Division focuses on HR development, facilitates training and competitions, manages internal and external sharing sessions, Tech Spotlight, and PKM.

Design Division

The Design Division focuses on visual design and documentation of all SIC activities, reinforces organization identity and image through creativity and innovation, thus maintaining a positive image and credibility of the SIC organization.

Growth Division

The Growth Division is responsible for managing SIC social media, gathering information about technology competitions, and documenting SIC progress. The Growth Division also acts as a relation between internal and external parties both within and outside the university.

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A non-profit organization committed to finding the best way to share knowledge about technology.

Contact Us

+62 857-3862-9295 (Ryan)
Sekretariat SIC. Gedung BD Lt. 2, Informatika FMIPA Udayana

Random Quote

The technology of today is the result of the imagination of yesterday.

- Carl Saganv

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